Friday, 1 February 2013

My absolute favourite raw food recipe websites!

Before I began eating raw, I seriously thought that people who ate this way, just ate an apple or tofu. I couldn't really get my head around it.But after doing heaps of research I couldn't have been more wrong and I was so surprised by all the variety of foods you can actually eat. 




It's funny when you don't know much about something and once it's brought to your attention, it's all you ever see and hear about it. That's what happened to me when I first started eating raw, I still can't believe how much information there is out there. And if you are anything like me and you like getting a bit creative and learning new ways of preparing food, it's amazing what out there things you can actually make and they're actually delicious, it's always good to have a bit of fun while learning all at the same time. But if you're not really into preparing food, whether it's because you're always on the go or it's just not really your thing, there's plenty of simple recipes just for you.

So here are my favourite raw recipe websites that I've happily come across that can really help you out:

Rawmazing! It's right in the name, it's all raw and it really is amazing. The site is beautifully laid out and everything you could possibly want is only a mouse click away. They have their own eBooks, they even have their own store. You can buy anything from kitchen equipments to skin care products and their food recipes looks absolutely delicious! There's everything from, appetizers, snacks, drinks, main dishes, etc. Click here and get started!

The Raw Food Kitchen. What I love about this one, is that it's Australian. You've gotta love anything local! The Raw Food Kitchen also do eBooks and by the looks of them, they seem very helpful for those who don't know where to start when buying raw. I have yet to check these Ebooks out, but it won't be long until I do. Now what I love about their recipes is that there are some that are so simple but most importantly very beneficial. Click here to see what I'm raving on about.

Nouveau Raw, is more the creative side of raw food. If you are someone who isn't really interested in the in depth side of preparing raw food, it doesn't hurt to take a look anyway. You never know, it might change your mind, or it can give you amazing ideas for preparing a meal for guests for a particular occasion. But it is always good to broaden your horizons when you make the transition to eating raw. It's quite a simple site to use but so effective to say the least. Click here and be amazed!


So I hope you find these websites just as helpful to you as they were for me! And remember I found these sites simply by typing in Google 'Raw food recipes'. There is so much information out there and it's so easy to find, you just have to look!


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